Medical Doctors & Telehealth

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Medical Doctors & Telehealth
  • Arzt spricht in Videosprechstunde mit erkrankter Patientin, Koeln, NRW, Deutschland
  • Female doctor consulting with male patient, Germany
  • Doctor discussing medical findings with teenager, Cologne, NRW, Germany
  • Doctor wearing a surgical mask while talking to curious infant patient, Germany
  • Pediatrician performing a vaccine injection into infant’s arm, Germany
  • Two doctors discussing x-ray image, Cologne, NRW, Germany
  • Aerztin in ihrer Praxis spricht mit Kollegen oder Patient in Videokonferenz, Telemedizin, Koeln, NRW, Deutschland
  • Little boy being held by his father as pediatrician prepares a vaccine injection, Germany
  • Aerztin und Patient in Sprechzimmer von Praxis, Koeln, NRW, Germany
  • Doctor recommending pills in bottle to senior patient, Cologne, NRW, Germany